Datenbanksysteme und moderne CPU-Architekturen
- This lecture covers the implementation of database systems, including how to leverage modern hardware architectures.
- The lectures are held in English.
- In the Exercises for this lecture, you will have the chance to build a tiny database system from scratch.
- Grundlagen der Informatik
- Grundlagen Datenbanksysteme (GDB) (IN0008)
- First Lecture: Tuesday, April 23th 2019
- Lecture + Exercises: 2pm – 5pm
- Room: 0001, ZEI-Seminarraum (5414.EG.001)
- GitLab
- Mattermost
- Theo Härder, Erhard Rahm. Datenbanksysteme: Konzepte und Techniken der Implementierung. Springer, Berlin; 2nd ed.
- Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeff Ullman, Jennifer Widom. Database Systems: The Complete Book
- D. E. Knuth. The Art of Computer Programming Volume III
- Joseph M. Hellerstein, Michael Stonebraker, James Hamilton. Architecture of a Database System
- Franz Faerber, Alfons Kemper, Per-Åke Larson, Justin J. Levandoski, Thomas Neumann, Andrew Pavlo. Main Memory Database Systems
Lecture Slides
- Introduction
- Storage
- Access Paths
- Set-Oriented Processing
- Algebraic Operators
- Code Generation, Parallelism
- Main-Memory Databases
- Additional slides on storage
- Guest Lecture: Mark Raasveldt - DuckDB
Exercise Sheets
Programming Assignments
- Programming homework includes implementing the concepts learned in the lecture in C++, previous systems programming experience recommended
- The assignments are managed via our GitLab
- Please join us on Mattermost
- Info slides about the assignments, GitLab and Mattermost
To get the bonus, please include your name (as displayed in TUMonline) and your matriculation number in the file of at least one project in the following format:
Name: Lastname, Firstname
Matriculation number: 03xxxxxx